This month marks the end of the first of three years in partnership with University of San Diego School of Leadership and Education Science's Teaching Innovation Studio and San Diego Unified School District. The focus of this partnership is a Department of Education Grant that focuses on creating four STEAM academies at Magnet schools here in San Diego. STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) teaching is sweeping the nation, but is also a somewhat nebulous concept. ECC is privileged to represent the University of San Diego alongside Dr. Joi Spencer as a professional development facilitator on this project, facilitating the learning of teachers as they develop their capacities as STEAM educators. The first year on any project is one of great learning and one that is allowing me to see more clearly the opportunities for growth within schools. I am so excited about the progress made within the schools at which we work.
Yesterday we met with a group of SDUSD administrators, teachers, parents, students to discuss the outcomes of the project so far and to present our learning. It is always an incredible experience to pause in a project and run a pulse check. As you know, our mission is to facilitate deep, lasting change and impact and schools. This team of teachers is making great strides in their STEAM teaching, but also their own awareness of their teaching. There were several moments during their presentation that I was reminded that the experiential learning that this type of professional development provides allows for the greatest impact on teaching. In essence, students win when teachers have time to reflect, improve and own their practice.
2nd grade teachers from San Diego Unified share their insights on STEAM education.
This blog series will focus on the project so far and will take you on the journey with us as we move into Year 2. Stay tuned for more about what we have been doing in San Diego Unified.